A Great Residual Income Formula Using Blogs

residual income formulaIf you are like most people, you would not say no to the opportunity to be making extra money, especially if you don’t have to put in continuous effort in order to make it. The good news is that if you have a little bit of extra time on your hands, you can create a blog and use a simple residual income formula to make money off of it. In order to get the most residual income, you want to try to get your blog to the first page of the Google search results for your relevant keyword so here is the formula to follow to get these results.

 Begin The Formula By Making A Blog:

The first step to getting residual income using blogs seems fairly simple as it is only making a blog. However, it can actually be a bit more complicated than that. That is because if you want to get a reasonable number of residuals, you need to make sure you pick the topic for your blog carefully. You want something that will be popular so people are more likely to notice it. A good example is a popular sports team as people will always be searching for this. It also works better if you pick a topic you are interested in as it will be easier to create the content.

Research Popular Keywords:

residual income formulaThe next step in this particular formula is to do some research on keywords. You want to find a keyword that is occasionally searched but is not too popular. This is because if you want to make residual income you will need to have visitors to your website, which would be impossible if no one ever searches for your keywords. On the other hand, you want to choose a keyword (or keyword phrase) that is not popular enough where you will have too much competition. Once you find the right keyword phrase(s) be sure to include it in all of your posts.

Social Networks Max Out the Residual Income Formula:

After you write your first few posts, making sure to include the keywords you selected, your next step for this income formula is to start advertising. One of the best ways to do this is to use social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. In order for this to work the best, make sure that your post is interesting and relevant, then simply share it on those sites. There are even websites that can submit your link to multiple social networking sites at the same time.

Don’t Forget To Use Videos:

One part of residual income formulas using blogs that some people occasionally forget is using videos to market their website. Video websites such as YouTube are some of the most popular pages on the internet so if you have a video on there that advertises your blog, you will see great results. You can get really creative with your video advertisement or simply do a video announcing your blog and providing a link to it.

Try Back-Linking:

In order to get even more traffic to your new blog and complete your residual income formula, you should also try back-linking. You of course want to try to have other websites put your link on their page (which is the idea behind using social media) but you also want to link to other sites. You should not only link to the sites that share your link with others to return the favor, but also consider linking to popular websites. If you link to a website that is already popular, it will actually increase your ranking on search engines, helping you get more visitors and therefore more residual income.

If you’d like to explore more passive income topics related to blogging, be sure to check out the “Web Marketing” section of our extensive list.

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Images courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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